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Showing posts from March, 2025

Semiotics: Sign Structure in Peircean Semiotics

Hello and welcome dear colleagues and fellow researchers.  Today, I will continue talking about Peircean semiotics. Today, we will discuss the Basic Sign Structure in Peircean Semiotics . In one of his many definitions of a sign, Peirce writes: "I define a sign as anything which is so determined by something else, called its Object, and so determines an effect upon a person, which effect I call its interpretant, that the later is thereby mediately determined by the former." (EP2, 478) What we see here is Peirce’s basic claim that signs consist of three inter-related parts: a sign or representamen, an object, and an interpretant. For the sake of simplicity, we can think of the sign or representamen as the signifier, for example, a written word, an utterance, smoke as a sign for fire, etc. The object , on the other hand, is best thought of as whatever is signified, for example, the object to which the written or uttered word attaches, or the fire signified by the smoke....

mehFILM: Kaathal - The Core (2023)

Hello Today, I would like to talk about 2023 Malayali film Kaathal - The Core which was directed by Joe Baby. GENRE: Family Drama DURATION: 114 Minutes WHAT IS IT ABOUT? The film centres the character of Matthew Devassy who is a retired bank secretary and lives happily in a small town with his wife, Omana, daughter, Femy, and old father, Devassy. He enters into village politics reluctantly and participates in by-election. He is a well-respected citizen of his town, and everything looks fine in his life. And suddenly, he comes to know that his wife Omana has filed a petition for divorce stating the allegation that Matther is homosexual. Now, this is a huge challege for Matthew to overcome. It is difficult for his social and political image, but more than that, his own love and feelings for Omana are at stake. He doesn't want to separate himself from Omana.  Will he be able to prove himself and save his marriage? What will happen to his electoral candidature? How will town-people a...

iReview: Means of Communication as Means of Production

Today I want to talk about a chapter entitled "Means of Communication as Means of Production" from the book  Culture and Materialism (1980) by Raymond Williams. (1921 – 1988) ABOUT THE AUTHOR Raymond Williams was a Welsh socialist writer, academic, novelist and critic influential within the New Left and in wider culture. His writings on politics, culture, the media and literature contributed to the Marxist critique of culture and the arts. His work laid foundations for the field of cultural studies and cultural materialism. WHAT THE CHAPTER IS ABOUT? This chapter critiques the idea of base and superstructure as it relates to culture and materialism.  Instead of viewing culture merely as a reflection of the economic base, it proposes that material life and consciousness are  inseparable.  Furthermore, it emphasizes how culture should be seen as a productive process, actively shaping and being shape...

Semiotics: Linguistics and Semiotics

Hello  Today, I want to talk about the relationship between linguistics and semiotics. WHAT IS LINGUISTICS? Linguistics is the scientific study of language. There are various sub-branches of linguistics that study different aspects of languages in general. WHAT IS SEMIOTICS? Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation. It is also known as semiology. HOW ARE THEY CONNECTED? Saussure while developing a module to study languages identifies the structure of signs, sign system, and their interrelationship which make them meaningful. Saussure’s complete semiotic model was based on the language. Linguistics as a field is interested in all the various aspects, including structural, formal, social, and semantic aspects of the language. On the other hand, semiotics is primarily concerned with meaning making processes. Linguistics focuses solely on language as a sign system, while semiotics encompasses all forms of signs and their meaning-makin...

Meh-FILM: Poker in Bed (1974)

Hello Today, I would like to talk about 1974 Italian film entitled  La signora gioca bene a scopa? Genre: Adult Comedy Duration: 85 minutes The film is internationally known as Poker in Bed . The film was directed by Giuliano Carnimeo . Giuliano Carnimeo (1932 - 2016) WHAT IS THIS FILM ABOUT? This film tells the story of a broke poker player,  Michele Cammagliulo. He has lost everything in his habit of gaming and is unable to pay the debt of his shoe-shop. He decides to start living as a sex-servant of a female painter and her sister who owns an animal farm. He separately pleases both of them. Meanwhile, they have a guest, their cousin who aaspires to be a writer, and his girl-friend. Michele starts desiring this girl friend, Eva. He believes that having her will solve all his problems. Will Michele get to sleep with Eva? Will he ever win in the game of poker? Will he be able to pay his debts? WHY SHOULD WE WATCH IT? Italian cinema has a special genre of comedy, known as...