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‘Munna Bhai M.B.B.S.’: A Fight against Institutionalism

'Munna Bhai M.B.B.S.' is a 2003 film directed, written and edited by Raj Kumar Hirani. This was his first film. After the success of this movie, Hirani made three more films, each of them more successful than the previous one. On a closer scrutiny, we can identify a common design or narrative technique in all his films. I would like to talk about that narrative technique taking one film at a time. This time, we will talk about the movie 'Munna Bhai M.B.B.S.' The movie was commercially and critically success. Film also wins the 2004 National Film Award for Best Popular Film.

It tells a story of a local goon Munna Bhai who wants to become a doctor to avenge the insult of his father. His father also stopped talking to him because he lied about the fact that he was not a doctor but a goon. So, to elevate himself in the eyes of his father and to avenge his father's insult by marrying the Daughter of Dr. Asthana, he decides to join MBBS. He used his hooliganism to get admission, but in the process he finds the loop-holes in the very system of the Medical institutes. He finds that the very basic humanity is missing in one of the noblest professions of the world. And then, he started teaching the lessons of humanity, empathy and emotions to the doctors and ultimately he achieves his goals of getting back to his father and marrying Dr. Suman, daughter of the Dean of the institute, Dr. Asthana. In the analysis of the movie, we will go by different narratological ploys.

The most important aspect of this movie is the central figure, Munna Bhai - the protagonist. Munna Bhai is a local goon and hence he doesn't believe and observe the norms of the society. He is beyond these social stratifications. He can talk to the person the way he likes. He can enter anyone's room/office/house anytime he likes. He doesn't have to save his social face, his social identity. We, as normal human beings, are always worried about our social status and identities and hence all our actions are controlled by them. But, for Munna Bhai, it is not the case. He is a protagonist that behaves out of the box. The protagonist is supported by his right-hand and friend, Circuit – the helper, who, also, like protagonist doesn't have to worry about his social face. He helps without worrying about the social constraints. 

The goal or purpose of the narrative is in flux, but stops at lessons of humanity to an institution. Basically, film is a fight against an institution, namely institution of Medical College which is part of a Hospital. Thus, it questions the inhuman treatment of patients by the staff of Medical institute. This was the highest purpose of Munna Bhai. There were other minor purposes also, like getting married to the girl of his father's choice, becoming a doctor to fulfill the desire of his father, to teach a lesson to rude Dr. Asthana, to make people happy surrounding him. Some goals are achieved, some are not.

There is no “antagonist” as defined in classical terms. Here, the antagonist is an institution which needs reform. Dr. Asthana and few of his followers are the one who wants to safeguard such a system to protect their established interests. The real fight is against these established interests, against their authority and autonomy. Dr. Suman – one of the goals, daughter of Dr. Asthana, becomes a love interest of Munna Bhai, who, unlike, other doctors in the institute has a humanitarian attitude towards the patients and students. Munna Bhai doesn't know that she is a daughter of Dr. Asthana, but she is well-aware about Munna's intentions and helps him throughout.

Munna Bhai could have used the force and turned the table, but then, his purpose wouldn't serve. He wanted the medical practitioners to realize from their hearts and souls. Two cases came that solved everything. First case was of the father of Dr. Rustom Pavri. He was very old and had stopped eating; doctors gave him glucose through vein. Munna Bhai plays trick here, brings a carom-board, which is a favorite sport of Rustom's father. He used to play carom and drink juice, when he was physically fit. Munna's trick worked, Rustom's father woke up on the sounds of carom and started playing with Munna, and eventually drinks juice also and later asks for food. This event gets Munna respect and support of most of the hospital staff. Zaheer, a young cancer patient, also witnesses this, and thinks that Munna can cure anyone.

Zaheer, the second case, lives alone in Mumbai for job and he is diagnosed with fatal cancer on last stage. His mother is coming, but on previous night of his mother's arrival his conditions deteriorates and he seeks help of Munna to live till his mother's arrival. But, he couldn't be saved. On the very next morning, Munna has to face his oral examination in front of the entire institute to prove that he is not a cheater. But here, Munna confesses that he has cheated. If he knew anything about medical science, he could have kept Zaheer alive. On the basis of this confession, Munna is expelled from the college.

But, at this point, Dr. Sumon comes forward and openly supports Munna's ways of dealing with people. A physically handicapped person - Anand Banerjee - moves his limbs for the first time after years due to Munna's compassion. Dr. Sumon refers it to a 'miracle' in medical sense, but she claims that it is because of Munna that this miracle becomes possible. She says that banishing Munna from college means banishing hope, compassion, love, happiness and humanity from the premise.

This loss of Munna against an institution was necessary, because the change must come from within. Upon Dr. Sumon's speech Dr. Asthana realizes his folly and accepts the humanitarian and compassionate ways of Munna in dealing with fellow workers, patients and students. The major goal is achieved, later Munna's parents, hearing about his deeds, comes to him and reconciles. Post-film narration says that Munna marries Dr. Sumon and they run a hospital at Munna's village. Ultimately, Anand Banerjee is shown completely cured and narrating Munna's story to others. It is kept ambiguous that whether the film was narrated by Anand or not.

Director has used many tools that can be classified as Anti-language, creation of special language to make a point. Munna bhai gives 'Jaadu ki Jhappi', literally Magic Hug to comfort the others and make them feel closer. The name itself is indicative. 'Munna' is normally used to address a young male kid in Hindi. The name signifies the child-like innocence in Munna Bhai. The character loves all. Though he is a gangster, he believes in humanity and morality. One of the best symbols in the movie is the Laughter Therapy of Dr. Asthana. According to this, whenever he feels anger, he would lough so that he can suppress his anger. But, under the given situations, his laughter was more of the significance of his anger than cure. This is a kind of analogy with what happens in Medical institute, instead of curing the patients, the objective behavior and mechanical procedures of the institutes add on to the problems of the patients. 

Socially unconstrained protagonist, a helper to protagonist, support from the close-ones of the people who are against the protagonist for their established interests, loss of the protagonist, self-realization of the guardians of institutional system, all these are part of the plot of this movie. At the same time, these are all parts of director Raj Kumar Hirani's narrative design which recurs in his following films also. Most important part is the movie provides a very powerful social message in a very light and heart-touching manner which is why movie is loved by Indian audience.


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