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‘3 Idiots’: Education for Grades and Breads

'3 Idiots' is a satiric comedy released in 2009. This is third film of Rajkumar Hirani. The film is based on a novel by Chetan Bhagat, entitled 'Five Point Someone' and its screenplay is written by Abhijat Joshi, Rajkumar Hirani and Vidhu Vinod Chopda. The film was an instant hit at the box-office. The film featured some of the real inventions done by the common people of India. Like the earlier two films of Hirani, this film, too, follows the same design and fights against an institution, namely education system. 

The film is about Ranchhod Das Chanchad, "Rancho", who is crazy about learning but doesn't believe in institutionalized approach to learning in which we talk about higher grades and better paying jobs. He wants to learn for the sake of knowledge. His two room-mates at Imperial College of Engineering Farhan Qureshi, who wants to be a photographer but doing engineering because of parental pressure, and Raju Rastogi, who hails from poor family and lacks confidence, are his partners in all his ventures at the college. Rancho's views on learning are starkly opposite to the traditionalist philosophy of the Dean of the college, Viru Shahastrabuddhe who believes that 'life is a race'. And Dean's philosophy prevails in the academic practices at the college because of which Rancho comes into direct conflict with the teachers and later with Dean himself. Rancho falls for Pia, the younger daughter of Dean. His fight against grades based education continues and advocates the choice based education in which learning and knowledge are more important than the grades and jobs. Ultimately, these three friends are expelled from the college and when they were leaving the campus, Dean's pregnant elder daughter Mona goes into labor. The conditions are very bad, heavy rain, no electricity and road blockages. At this time, using his knowledge of engineering and with the guidance of Pia, Rancho helps deliver the baby. Dean realizes his mistake and allows them to complete their exams. 

The entire story mentioned above is in flashback. The present day story runs to find Rancho. Their college rival, Chatur Ramalingam, reminds them of a bet that had during college days. But Rancho doesn't turn up on the stipulated day and time, so Raju and Farhan, taking Chatur with them much to his unwillingness, starts a journey to find Rancho. But, it turns out that the real 'Ranchhod Das' is somebody else and the Rancho whom they are looking for was actually a servant Chhote in his house. Ultimately they find out that Rancho is none other than famous Phunsukh Wangdu, an inventor with hundreds of patents on his name. Thus, Wangdu wins the bet against Chatur as being more successful.

The Protagonist - Rancho, the protagonist of the movie is different from Munna Bhai as he is not an anti-social element. But, at the same time, Rancho shares some of his features. Rancho is so crazy about knowledge enhancement and practical solutions that he's unable to be understood by the others. His solutions are also out of the box based on his technical competence. Rancho is a pseudo-name; the person standing as Rancho is not Rancho but Phunsukh Wangdu. So again, the hero is devoid of real social identity and hence not afraid to lose his social face. Like Munna Bhai, he, too, is helping by nature.

The Helpers - Farhan and Raju, the room-mates of Rancho are his helpers. But, unlike the helper of previous two movies, both of them are worried about their social status. In fact, Farhan is doing engineering just because of social pressure. Over the period, they started understanding Rancho's abnormal tactics of handling the issues and though hesitantly, they supported him in every situation. They helped him in proposing Pria and in the end they 'hijacked' her from her marriage to meet Rancho.

The Goal - Like the previous films, this film also deals with multiple goals. To convince the parents of Farhan to allow him to pursue his dream, and let him be a photographer. To enhance the self-confidence of Raju and allow him to aid his family's economic conditions. Not to get Pia married to NRI banker who is referred to as price-tag. To achieve Pia's love. To make Viru and the other teachers realize that knowledge is more important than grades and mechanical jobs. To win the bet against Chatur. To get the pen from the Dean which is supposed to be given to an exceptional student. To make the audience realize the problems with our education system and our approach towards grades and results. To develop a practical approach to problems of day-to-day life. Almost all the goals are achieved in the run of the movie, except that what impression remains with the audience after the experience of the film. Have they changed their attitude?

The Antagonist - The system of education in which grades are considered more important than the knowledge, in which student's job prospect is considered more important than his/her interest is the real enemy here. The Dean, the teachers of the institute and some students like Chatur are the stakeholders of this system. They prefer this system so that their established interests are maintained. This system teaches to run without deciding the destination to reach. Jobs should be given to knowledgeable candidate, but candidate's knowledge is judged upon his grades and not his capacity to think innovatively and come up with easier, practical and applicable solutions.

Self-realization - In the present case, unlike Munna Bhai, Rancho cannot use the force. But, Rancho could have become self-centered and achieved what he wanted to. But, he decides to help others and improve over-all conditions of the academics at the institute. He not only helps Farhan achieve his dream but also convinces Raju to leave religious superstitions and develop self-confidence. He, once, teaches in the class also, in which he words his idea of learning as learning something new. He even completes the project of a senior student who commits suicide. But, he finds that his philosophy of 'success follows genius' is too abstract for most of the people at the campus. Especially, it is difficult to make believe to the Dean and other teachers of the institute because most of the students want good marks not good knowledge. Students like Chatur who solely depends on rote learning are normally the favorite students of the teachers. Under such a situation, Rancho's quest for knowledge for himself and his friends becomes futile.

Help from a Closed-one - Pia fights with his father regarding the stand of Rancho. She also blames Viru that his son, Pia’s brother, has committed suicide because he wanted to do Arts and not engineering. Because of the parental pressure for engineering course, he committed suicide. Viru is not ready to accept it. Later, Rancho and his friends help Mona, elder daughter of the Dean, deliver the baby. This time Viru can notice Rancho's passion for Engineering and his technical knowledge too. At the same time, he also understands that he is not against him for any personal grudge. He accepts the fact that children should be allowed to follow their passion and he tells his Grand-son to become a football player as he kicks. Thus, Pia's opposition to his father and Rancho's good-will brings a happy ending. 

Ultimately, Chatur loses his bet as he earns quite-well, yet he has to look for the genius of Phunsukh Wangdu who has 400 patents on his name. Pia doesn't get married to 'price tag' and Rancho (Wangdu) and Pia met finally. Farhan becomes a successful photographer; Raju also has a good job. And the Dean accepts that passion for a subject or field is more important than the grades. Audience also receives a strong message about the choice and consent of their wards in the selection of the academic career. Film also focuses on the suicides committed by the youngsters due to bad results and parental or peer pressure. 

Like the previous movies of Hirani, this film also uses Anti-language, especially in the language of Rancho. "All is well" is used where 'A' is pronounced like 'AA' and not as 'O'. Rancho's techniques for explaining a point is also quite out of the box. Almost all the Anti-characters have negative nick-names, like Virus for Dean (Viru Shahastrabuddhe), or Silencer for Chatur. Like the previous films, this film also uses flashback narration. Film is such a popular hit that it is remade in Tamil as ‘Nanban’ and Mexican as ‘3 Idiotas’. Tamil version is also dubbed and released in Telugu too.

Published in: The Hills Times – Heritage July 6, 2017. Page No. 07


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