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No news is good news News media

#SemioticAnalysis  #NewsMedia  #NewsConstruction #Semiology

ગુજરાતી ફિલ્મો : ‘કંકુ’, ‘ભવની ભવાઈ’ અને ‘ધાડ’ના સંદર્ભે

  આમ જોઈએ તો ગુજરાતી ફિલ્મ ઇન્ડસ્ટ્રી ખૂબ જૂની છે અને કેટલાય મહત્વના કલાકારો અને ફિલ્મો આપી ચૂકી છે. પરંતુ આજેય એ રાષ્ટ્રીય-આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય સ્તર પર ખૂબ જ પાછળ દેખાય છે. અહીં , હું ત્રણ ગુજરાતી ફિલ્મો ‘ ભવની ભવાઈ ’ , ‘કંકુ ’ અને ‘ ધાડ ’ વિશે વાત કરીશ, અને ગુજરાતી ફિલ્મોનાં પટ પર તેમનાં મહત્વ વિશે વાત કરવાનો નાનકડો પ્રયાસ કરીશ. ભવની ભવાઈ (૧૯૮૦) કેતન મહેતા દ્વારા દિગ્દર્શિત ફિલ્મ ‘ ભવની ભવાઈ ’ ૧૯૮૦માં પ્રદર્શિત થઈ હતી જે ધીરુબહેન પટેલના નાટક પર આધારિત હતી , અને જાતિવાદના મુદ્દા વિશે ખૂબ જ રસપ્રદ રીતે વાત કરે છે. આ ફિલ્મને રાષ્ટ્રીય અને આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય સ્તર પર ખ્યાતિ પ્રાપ્ત થઈ છે. મારા માટે ફિલ્મનું સહુથી મહત્વનું દૃશ્ય શરૂઆતની ૬ સેકન્ડ્સમાં જ જોવા મળે છે; એ કહે છે, અસાઈત ઠાકોર અને બેર્તોલ બ્રેખ્તને સમર્પિત. આ એક ફ્રેમ ફિલ્મને ગુજરાતી અને વૈશ્વિક નાટ્યપરંપરા સાથે જોડી આપે છે. ‘ભવની ભવાઈ’ (દિ. મહેતા , ૧૯૮૦)       ફિલ્મ પોતાની વાત કહેવામાં ભવાઈ નાટ્યપરંપરાનો ઉપયોગ કરે છે, અને એક નવી જ નેરેટીવ પદ્ધતિ...

Ethnography of communication and communicative competence

#EthnographyOfCommunication #EthnographyOfSPEAKING #SpeechCommunity #SpeechEvent #DellHymes #CommunicativeCompetence

Pay attention Advertising #Semiotics #Advertising #Media

Semiotic Analysis: Poster of Singham Movie

The picture is a releasing poster of the famous movie Singham. Iconically picture represents the actor, Ajay Devgan and the uniform clearly states that he is a police officer in the movie.     It contains the protagonist, which by trailer we know is the Singham . But, in the picture, three heads, in the fashion of National emblem, are presented. Being a police officer, wearing a uniform, symbolically states that he stands for law, order, and justice. Low camera angle is used to establish the character’s authority. Even the source of the light is also from a lower angle, front side and hence the shadowy lions of the national emblem symbolically presents the shadow of the protagonist. He is wearing black goggles and the first button of his shirt is open, which imply that though he stands for patriotism and moral position, he would bend the rules to get justice. His character traits are implied by these signs. Plus, the goggles and mustache add to the masculine implications o...

Myths, Media, & Representation

# Semiotics   # Semiology   # RolandBarthes   # Myth   # Connotation   # Denotation   # McLuhan   # MediumIsMessage   # Representation

Taj Mahal: A Semiotic Analysis

  The picture is an iconic image of the Taj Mahal, which is situated in Agra. Historically, it is believed that it is made in the loving memory of Mumtaz Mahal, and hence it is considered to be a monument of love. Iconically, the picture is a signifier of historic monument, the Taj Mahal. Indexically, it signifies the city, the state and many times, India, the country. This is one of the reasons that in many Hollywood films, the Taj Mahal is normally projected as a metonymy of the country, India. Symbolically, the picture and the monument signifies the love of a husband for his wife. Hence, it is also known as a 'symbol' of love. The inclusion of a mosque in the background signifies the spiritual nature of love and not the physical one. The low camera angle signifies the majestic nature of the monument. For modern day youth, it is a symbol of romance and love and hence many people gift their love interest the miniature version of the monument. For many right wing i...

Signs, Semiotics, Interpretation

#Semiotics #sign #Saussure #Pierce #MediaSemiotics #Interpretation #DyadicModel #TriadicModel

Semiotic analysis: Sapiosexual

  Source of the image: This is a painting by Terri Meredith entitled Sapiosexual. She is a black woman artist majority of her works project black women.   The present painting is titled Sapiosexual which means ‘finding intelligence sexually arousing or attractive’. Thus, the title signifies the opposition to the law of attraction related with beauty. The background is made of straight brush-strokes in the shades of green and yellow, which signifies something new, something fresh.   There is a black woman projected, who is standing on four books; her back is framed for the audience, her face – her identity - is not important. Thus, the figure signifies all black women. At the same time, the figure is on the books, signifying the identity of those women on the foundation of knowledge and intelligence, and not on the standards of beauty. Her nudity signifies the universality of the figure, that is,...

Lecture on Gadamer and Lacan in Gujarati

#MyLecture #Gadamer #Hermeneutics #Lacan #Psychoanalysis #Gujarati

Semiotic analysis: Super woman

Source: The picture signifies the modern Indian housewife, who is metaphorically presented as a super woman. The red cloth (like superman) and lower camera angle signify the super-human and powerful nature of her. She stands for housewives in general metonymically. This is a visual sign. It is iconic at surface level, symbolic at metaphorical level and ironic at mythic level. Why is the woman fair and young? Why not dark-skinned? Why not an overweight or very thin? Why not an older woman? Why can’t she be in modern attire, let’s say long kurta and jeans? Paradigmatically,  saree is chosen for her as an attire, equating Indian-ness with one specific type of attire, and a specific style of wearing it. The script of the image reads, 'gettyimages' and 'uniquely india'.   Such a picture conveys the message that women are really happy, satisfied...

The Kite Runner: Whose Kite and Who's the Runner?

A still from the movie - The Kite Runner Marc Foster directed 2007 American drama film, " The Kite Runner " is based on the famous novel by Khaled Hussaini. The film won the positive reviews from the critics and box-office success. This is quite a fascinating thing about American audience that they always appreciate and enjoy other's suffering, and later put their Army as saviors. However, the present film doesn't have a single American savior; here, the American ideals come to rescue. ** The film is a story of a young Afghani refugee who settles in America and becomes a writer. Because of the novelist protagonist, many people have seen the autobiographical elements in the novel, which Hosseni has always denied. Taliban's ban on Kite flying was one of the motivating factors for Hussaini[1] as he found such ban "unusually cruel". Interstingly, such a good, thoughtful, and creative person did not find killing of thousands of innocent pe...

Cultural Identity and Identity of Culture

The film “Dhulaki Taari Maaya Laagi” is about the girl from Rathwa community. The film was a very big hit in areas like Chhota Udepur, Pavi Jetpur, Bodeli, Naswadi, etc. these are all Rath areas. These are the theaters in which a film runs for three days, but this film stayed there for two to three months. But, some of my informants believed that this film is not about the Rathwa community. Then, how did the film become such a big hit in these specific areas? This paper will try to discuss some reasons behind the success, and how Rathwa identity is portrayed in the movie? Second aspect is the idea of moving upwards from a socially less favored position to the socially more favored position, which is the undercurrent in the main stream of the story. And, we will also look at the relationship between the oppressors and oppressed in the film and in the society. *** A human being is above all a human being, the caste, religion, ethnicity are secondary aspects of one’s identi...