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Influence of Media and Mob Justice

#MobJustice is turning into a norm, now. And the people of our country has silently accepted it. It is normalized quite before it actually started. It refers to the act of a group of people taking the law into their own hands and enacting violent justice on an alleged criminal.

We've been watching and appreciating movies which advocate and justify the Mob Justice. If we look back on some of our super hit movies, we will realize what we have inculcated through the movies. Let me give you few names to review the claim: #Gangaajal (2003), #Garv (2004), #AWednesday (2008),  #Dabangg (2010), #Singham (2011), #Dabangg2 (2012),  #SinghamReturns (2014), #GabbarIsBack (2015). Out of these films, Gangaajal is the only film in which Protagonist takes stand against the Mob Justice.

We have stopped separating reality from fiction, and hence tall claims of the leaders are accepted without a question. In case of fiction, the protagonists and the antagonists are clearly defined and hence "Justice" is possible, but in reality one needs to create an antagonist. The work is done quite unprecedented manner by our own political leaders. So dichotomy turn out as those who support us and our ideology are on the side of protagonists, the rest are enemies and we need to get rid of them.

Now, in order to do "justice" by the mob, "#MobLynching" becomes the norm. There are two types of lynching: first is metaphorical lynching through #trolls on #SocialMedia and #ExpertTalks on #NewsMedia, second is real lynching of the people by the blind followers who are influenced by the Leaders and their ideologies.  Though in power, the leaders and their followers do not count on Judicial system to get the justice. And in most of the cases, the criminals of lynching - identified through videos - do not get punished, which makes their belief in Mob Justice stronger and instills the belief that they are doing right things.

#ThinkBeforeYouBelieve #ImpactOfMedia


  1. Most of the media channels are privately owned who either work for government or against government. There are very few news media left in India which are unbaised and show news for the bettermen of country and leave the contents for the people to think rather than their own conclusions.

  2. Most of the media channels are privately owned who either work for government or against government. There are very few news media left in India which are unbaised and show news for the bettermen of country and leave the contents for the people to think rather than their own conclusions.


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