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iReview: Equality, Diversity, Relativity

Hello and Welcome  Today, I want to talk about EQUALITY, DIVERSITY, RELATIVITY , an introduction to the section II of the Book LANGUAGE IN CULTURE AND SOCIETY: A READER IN LINGUISTICS AND ANTHROPOLOGY by DELL HYMES (1927 – 2009). About the Author: Dell Hymes (1927 - 2009) Dell Hymes was a linguist, sociolinguist, anthropologist, and folklorist who established disciplinary foundations for the comparative, ethnographic study of language use. His research focused upon the languages of the Pacific Northwest. What the Chapter is about? This chapter is introduction to the second section of the book. This section’s articles are about the issues of language diversity, relativity, and equality. Chapter addresses outdated misconceptions surrounding the study of language, specifically the inaccurate classification of languages as "primitive". It advocates for a more nuanced approach recognising the equality of all languages in their scientific value, while acknowledging their div...

Being John Malkovich: Few questions on Free Will

“The protagonist in “Being John Malkovich” finds a secret door in his office that leads to John Malkovich’s head. He can see everything from Malkovich’s perspective, and given that the main character is also an expert puppeteer, he’s able to control poor John’s body after a few rounds of practice. This raises some questions: where does Malkovich’s conscience go when he’s being controlled by the puppeteer? How is this man able to see through the eyes of Malkovich without him noticing? Where does our conscience come from, and why are we able to control our bodies?

Just see the questions in a different context, namely Politics.

Where does Public’s conscience go when they’re being controlled by the puppeteer (political leaders)?
How is this Political Leader able to see through the eyes of Public without them noticing?
Where does our conscience come from?
Why are we able to control our bodies?

Do we have free will? Yes, but our body could be invaded by other humans, forcing us to redefine the nature of being. (As per the analysis of Being John Malkovich)
