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Showing posts from August, 2020

Taj Mahal: A Semiotic Analysis

  The picture is an iconic image of the Taj Mahal, which is situated in Agra. Historically, it is believed that it is made in the loving memory of Mumtaz Mahal, and hence it is considered to be a monument of love. Iconically, the picture is a signifier of historic monument, the Taj Mahal. Indexically, it signifies the city, the state and many times, India, the country. This is one of the reasons that in many Hollywood films, the Taj Mahal is normally projected as a metonymy of the country, India. Symbolically, the picture and the monument signifies the love of a husband for his wife. Hence, it is also known as a 'symbol' of love. The inclusion of a mosque in the background signifies the spiritual nature of love and not the physical one. The low camera angle signifies the majestic nature of the monument. For modern day youth, it is a symbol of romance and love and hence many people gift their love interest the miniature version of the monument. For many right wing i...

Signs, Semiotics, Interpretation

#Semiotics #sign #Saussure #Pierce #MediaSemiotics #Interpretation #DyadicModel #TriadicModel

Semiotic analysis: Sapiosexual

  Source of the image: This is a painting by Terri Meredith entitled Sapiosexual. She is a black woman artist majority of her works project black women.   The present painting is titled Sapiosexual which means ‘finding intelligence sexually arousing or attractive’. Thus, the title signifies the opposition to the law of attraction related with beauty. The background is made of straight brush-strokes in the shades of green and yellow, which signifies something new, something fresh.   There is a black woman projected, who is standing on four books; her back is framed for the audience, her face – her identity - is not important. Thus, the figure signifies all black women. At the same time, the figure is on the books, signifying the identity of those women on the foundation of knowledge and intelligence, and not on the standards of beauty. Her nudity signifies the universality of the figure, that is,...

Lecture on Gadamer and Lacan in Gujarati

#MyLecture #Gadamer #Hermeneutics #Lacan #Psychoanalysis #Gujarati

Semiotic analysis: Super woman

Source: The picture signifies the modern Indian housewife, who is metaphorically presented as a super woman. The red cloth (like superman) and lower camera angle signify the super-human and powerful nature of her. She stands for housewives in general metonymically. This is a visual sign. It is iconic at surface level, symbolic at metaphorical level and ironic at mythic level. Why is the woman fair and young? Why not dark-skinned? Why not an overweight or very thin? Why not an older woman? Why can’t she be in modern attire, let’s say long kurta and jeans? Paradigmatically,  saree is chosen for her as an attire, equating Indian-ness with one specific type of attire, and a specific style of wearing it. The script of the image reads, 'gettyimages' and 'uniquely india'.   Such a picture conveys the message that women are really happy, satisfied...