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Showing posts from April, 2020

Cultural Identity and Identity of Culture

The film “Dhulaki Taari Maaya Laagi” is about the girl from Rathwa community. The film was a very big hit in areas like Chhota Udepur, Pavi Jetpur, Bodeli, Naswadi, etc. these are all Rath areas. These are the theaters in which a film runs for three days, but this film stayed there for two to three months. But, some of my informants believed that this film is not about the Rathwa community. Then, how did the film become such a big hit in these specific areas? This paper will try to discuss some reasons behind the success, and how Rathwa identity is portrayed in the movie? Second aspect is the idea of moving upwards from a socially less favored position to the socially more favored position, which is the undercurrent in the main stream of the story. And, we will also look at the relationship between the oppressors and oppressed in the film and in the society. *** A human being is above all a human being, the caste, religion, ethnicity are secondary aspects of one’s identi...