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Showing posts from October, 2018

Mikhail Bakhtin and his Dialogic Imagination

Book: The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays (1981) Author: M. M. Bakhtin Translated by: Caryl Emerson & Michael Holquist Edited: Michael Holquist Austin & London: University of Texas Press "The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays" by Mikhail Bakhtin is already considered a classic not only from the perspective of literary genre but also as an important work on the philosophy of language. The present book contains the four essays: 1. Epic and Novel, 2. From the Prehistory of Novelistic Discourse, 3. Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel, 4. Discourse in the Novel and an Introduction and Glossary by the editor. The essays are a commentary on the  historical development of novel form and how it is different from the other literary form. His argument is that as the novel form is different from the other literary forms, we need a different type of stylistic and poetic analysis and dogmas for that in order to truly evaluate the Novel. He tries ...