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Showing posts from June, 2013

He doesn't lie; He hires on $25000/- a month to do so.

On the evening of Friday, June 21, as India reeled from the shock of the calamity in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi landed up in Dehradun with a handful of officers. By Sunday, it was claimed that he had rescued 15,000 stranded Gujaratis from the wreckage of Uttarakhand and sent these grateful folks back home. This miracle was played up in media. But how was this feat achieved in a day or so, when India's entire military establishment has struggled to rescue around 40,000 people over 10 days? Reports say that Modi pulled off this coup with a fleet of 80 Innovas. How did these cars manage to reach places like Kedarnath, across roads that have been washed away, over landslides that have wrecked most access routes? But let us assume Modi's Innovas had wings as well as helicopter rotors. Including the driver, an Innova is designed to carry seven people. In a tough situation, assume you could pack nine passengers into each car. In that...

With Bhandari Sir...

Confessions.. [RIP] Revolt in Pieces

I was unable to look into her eyes. As if I were responsible for whatever happened to her. From the time, I knew about it, I didn't dare to talk to her. I kept a distance from her as if I were the only answerable person there. Last few minutes of her, possibly final, meeting with us, and she was there, just beside my chair with a big smile, not only on her lips but also in her bright eyes and she bids farewell, and I could only "congratulate" her, though it was not the right word to utter. I am strong, but not strong enough to tolerate all the injustice taking place around me. I am not the only one who should speak, shout, scream; but the people who are entitled to utter on such matters have held a dead-silence. 

Jim Jarmusch’s 5 Golden Rules for Filmmakers

Rule #1 : There are no rules. There are as many ways to make a film as there are potential filmmakers. It’s an open form. Anyway, I would personally never presume to tell anyone else what to do or how to do anything. To me that’s like telling someone else what their religious beliefs should be. Fuck that. That’s against my personal philosophy—more of a code than a set of “rules.” Therefore, disregard the “rules” you are presently reading, and instead consider them to be merely notes to myself. One should make one’s own “notes” because there is no one way to do anything. If anyone tells you there is only one way, their way, get as far away from them as possible, both physically and philosophically. Rule #2 : Don’t let the fuckers get ya. They can either help you, or not help you, but they can’t stop you. People who finance films, distribute films, promote films and exhibit films are not filmmakers. They are not interested in letting filmmakers define and dictate the way they do thei...