About me

Hello All.

This is J. A. H. Khatri from Vadodara, Gujarat (India). Basically, I am a teacher, teaching Communication Skills, Contributor Personality Development, and Life Skills at an engineering institute near Vadodara. Earlier I was engaged with the Department of Linguistics, The M S University of Baroda, Vadodara where I have taught various courses of core and applied Linguistics both at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels.

My primary area of interest is Cultural studies, I study Communication theories from Cultural perspective. And because of the vast impact of Media on present day culture, I started working on Media communication.

Last, I have very little to teach you, namely: Simplicity, Tolerance and Compassion.

Thank you

You can know about my academic research by visiting http://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=MlI7iQYAAAAJ
